Body Detox Plan: Find the Right Plan for You

Body detoxification is a very effective way to remove harmful toxins from your body. Toxins enter our body through innumerable sources and start to accumulate in our system, which in most cases leads to several medical complications. Therefore, a proper body plan will not only help you eliminate toxins from your system but also keep you in good shape.

There are several plan that you can choose from, but you need to know what suits your needs the best. Your plan may be a proper body detox diet, whole body detox or body detox wraps. All of these plans work towards the same goal of making your body free of toxins but each of them work in different ways.

Let's take a quick look at how each of them work:

a) Body detox diets: a proper detox diet will help you a great deal in enhancing your over all body detox plan. It cleans your colon, improves circulation to remove toxins, it eliminates food from the diet that needs detoxification or may be allergic, supports and protects the liver, etc.

b) Whole body detox: this is a lengthy process of detoxifying your system and may need months to complete the process. Whole body detoxification mainly consists of four cleansing stages. They are:

c) Bowel detoxification: It is the first stage of your body detox plan. To make sure that you experience the best results from detox plan it is important that you get your bowel movement right. Have raw fruits and vegetables. These have the required fibers and liquid that will help you detoxify your bowel.

d) Liver detoxification: after bowel comes the liver. To ensure that your liver is detoxified properly you need to consume more green foods like- green vegetables, green drinks, etc.

e) Kidney detoxification: water plays a very important role in detoxifying your kidney. Make sure that you drink 8-9 glasses of water every day if not more to help your system detoxify your kidneys in the best way possible.

f) Blood detoxification: this is the last step of your detox plan and should ideally begin from the forth month of your detoxification program.

g) Body detox wraps: this is another effective way to detoxify your body. This process uses your skin for removing toxins from your system. There are two ways to go about it:

1) Whole body detox wrap
2) Partial body detox wrap.

This is a process in which, mineral rich clay in placed on your body and then different wraps are put on them in order to hold the clay in place. It is advisable that you go for partial body detox wrap rather than whole body wrap as the later draws out large amounts of toxins from your body at a rapid rate, therefore, making you feel weak, sick and tired. So, try out partial detox wrap and see how it works for you.

So to conclude, abovementioned are a few detox plan that you may consider opting for. It is advisable that you do your own research and find out which body detox plan suits you the best. So go ahead and pick the right detox plan for yourself and enjoy a healthier life that it offers.

Body Detox Wrap: Skin is in

In today's health conscious world, it has become a necessity more than a luxury to keep your body in perfect shape and condition, body detoxification has shown several benefits that help you do the same. It is a method by which the toxins that enter out body through various sources are flushed out. Body detoxification not only helps in improving your health but also keeps your body in good shape.

Most of us often tend to forget that our skin is among the most important filters that out body posses. It plays a big role in releasing and absorbing toxins and can have a major role to play when it comes to body detoxification process.

In case you are looking for a program that would make you feel and look younger along with helping you lose the extra weight, you could consider going for Body detox wrap. This is a process of extracting those harmful toxins from your body and releasing them through your skin. Body detox wrap is considered to be one of the easiest ways of body detoxification.

This process of detoxification is not just about removing the harmful toxins from your body, it also ensures that the essential organs of the body that help in blood purification, which also includes your skin, are functioning properly and are in perfect shape.

A body detox wrap draws out toxins from within the body through the skin. A body detox wrap is a great way to remove toxins from the body through the skin that maybe much harder to remove through other detoxification processes such as dietary changes or purges.

Usually, the body detox wrap is about applying mineral rich clay that generally consists of certain kinds of ash to the skin. Next, the clay is kept in place with the help of different kinds of wraps depending on the kind of detoxification process you want to go through.

It depends on your personal preferences whether you want to go for full body detox wrap or a specific area at a time. But I suggest going for specific areas as a full body detox wrap may have certain side effects. This is because with a full body wrap you will be losing a large amount of toxins from your body at a very fast rate.

Opting for body detox wrap can help you use your skin in a terrific way to lose toxins from your system by pulling them out directly. This process not only helps in losing harmful toxins but also in losing additional weight. Usually, the non-processed toxins are stored in your body fat, which must be removed at the earliest to avoid further toxin build up. These fats are removed easier when they do not contain any potential harmful toxins.

So to conclude, in case you are thinking of trying out body detox wrap then going ahead with it won't be a bad idea. But it is advisable that you go for partial body detox wrap rather than full body to avoid any side effects.

Taking A Look At A Full Body Detox Regimen

If you're feeling fatigued no matter how much sleep and you get bloated no matter how much you diet, then you may need a full body detox. Even if you eat healthy foods, waste products can build up in your system and leave you feeling tired and drained. In this article, we'll talk about how a body detoxification program can put you on the road to a healthier life.

Detoxification is beneficial because harmful substances in our diet can build up in the body and cause fatigue, headaches, nausea and even disease. There are a countless number of detox diets available. The basic idea is to temporarily give up certain foods that are thought to contain "toxins," such as meat, sugar, white flour, certain grains, dairy products and caffeine.

Of course, alcohol and non-medicinal narcotics are not allowed! These diets typically start with a short fasting period and is then followed by a strict diet of raw vegetables, fruit, fruit juices and water. The best diet is one based on fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean sources of protein and unsaturated fats. Add regular exercise and stress reduction techniques, and you have a solid foundation for good health.

Some regimens advise using herbal laxatives, as a natural bowel cleanse, to flush out the intestine and liver. The duration of such regimens often ranges from seven to 10 days. Some people report they feel better, more focused and energetic during and after detox body cleansing.

This may be due to their belief that they are doing something good for their body. But it may also be due to not eating much - perhaps a juice fast or water fast - for more than several days. Calorie restriction can lead to heightened feelings of psychological well-being.

There is no evidence from the mainstream medical community that full body detox diets actually provide substantial benefits to your overall health. In fact, a healthy body can dispel these toxins on its own through the urine and stools.

Early side effects of fasting include headaches because of the sudden drop in blood sugar and prolonged fasting or severe calorie restriction can result in anemia, low blood sugar and an irregular heartbeat. You should consult a doctor before fasting or undergoing any body detoxification cleansing program.

If you're concerned about your lack of energy, then consult a doctor before you begin a full body detox, to make sure that you don't have an illness that requires treatment. There are a variety of ways to cleanse your system of toxins such as a detox body wrap, liver cleansing, sugar detox and a variety of other detoxification products. Be sure that you fuel your body well and get plenty of sleep. It's the best way to give your body the ultimate energy boost.

Body Detoxification With Herbal Wrap

Are you planning on detoxing or cleansing your body, but are doubtful of your determination to fast on water or juice? If so, there is an easier approach to body detox. One method you could take is to undergo an herbal body wrap. Before you decide if this body detox approach is right for you, let's read on what are its pros and cons.

An herbal body wrap is easily available at your local spas. Before the treatment, you will want to avoid applying skincare products, such as moisturizers or lotions. After arriving for your treatment, the wrap will be applied. Your spa may suggest you bring and wear loose clothing to cover the wraps. Each session can last between one hour and one and a half hours. To stimulate sweating, your spa may suggest you to make some movement or light exercise. This is not mandatory though. You could simply sit on a reclining chair reading your favorite magazine and wait for your session to end; it doesn't get much easier than that!

With an herbal body wrap, you can lose weight. In fact, weight loss is one of the many reasons why this treatment is very much sought after. Many look at it as an effortless way to shed off some pounds. It is pretty common for brides-to-be to undergo an herbal wrap before her wedding so that she can look good on the day of her wedding. After an herbal wrap treatment, start eating healthily and exercise to prevent your weight from coming back. Herbal wraps offered at spas are different than many over-the-counter wraps. In addition to water, toxins are eliminated from the body as well; hence, you may experience long-term weight loss.

This body detox approach has many health benefits. As mentioned earlier, herbal wraps offered by professional spas remove more than just excess water from your body. With the use of herbs blended according to formula, toxins are also driven out in the process. That is why you can see there are other health benefits after occasional herbal wrap treatment. In addition to weight loss, you may notice a boost to your energy level, an improvement in your skin's complexion, and alleviation of pain from a previous injury.

Yes, herbal wraps can be purchased online or from health stores for diy at home, but a trip to the spa is still recommended. Not only do you get better results, but you also get to take a break and de-stress. In fact, you could pamper yourself with other treatments while you are there. Manicures, pedicures, facial and body massage are other popular treatments available there.

Herbal wraps often require multiple treatments to see results. Following your first herbal wrap, you will notice your skin appearance improves and so is your overall health; however, multiple treatments are recommended for a more positive and sustainable improvement. On average, most spas recommend three herbal body wrap treatments. Although multiple sessions are not required, they will maximize your results.

Herbal wraps is not cheap. Depending on the spa in question, an herbal wrap can cost, on average, between $60 and $130. This coupled with the fact that multiple wrap sessions are required; it can make this body detox method pretty expensive for some. Even with the price, this detox approach is still popular because it is easier than fasting only on water or juice for a week. If you are on a budget, go to several spas to compare their prices. Chances are one of them might offer a cheaper package deal.

As you can see, there are a number of advantage and disadvantage of an herbal body wrap to detox your body. Despite the costs and multiple treatments, most still find this a safe and easy way to cleanse and detox their bodies without the pain of hunger from fasting.

Reviewing A Body Detox Program

Sometimes a healthy diet and plenty of exercise isn't enough. No matter how well you take care of yourself, toxins can build up in your body and leave you feeling fatigued.

These toxins are the result of common foods that we eat every day, but they can be dispelled quickly with a body detox program. In this article, we'll tell you how a cleansing detoxification regimen can leave your body feeling in tip-top shape.

Body detox diets are based on the premise that the food you consume contains a range of harmful substances. These substances accumulate in your body and cause fatigue, headaches, nausea and even disease.

There are a countless number of diets available. The basic idea is to temporarily give up certain foods that are thought to contain "toxins," such as meat, sugar, certain grains, dairy and caffeine.

These diets typically start with fasting followed by a strict diet of raw vegetables, fruit and fruit juices and water. The best diet is one based on fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean sources of protein and unsaturated fats. Add regular exercise and stress reduction techniques, and you have a solid foundation for good health.

A cleansing and detoxification program will sometimes advocate using herbal laxatives, natural detoxification and a natural colon cleanse to flush out the intestine and liver. The duration of such regimens often ranges from seven to 10 days. Some people report they feel better and are more focused and energetic during and after detox diets.

This may be due to their belief that they are doing something good for their body. But it may also be due to not eating much, if anything, for more than several days. Calorie restriction can lead to heightened feelings of psychological well-being.

There is no evidence that detox diets have any health benefits. In fact, some detox diets can have harmful side effects, so be sure to consult a physician before you start any program. Early side effects of fasting include headaches.

Prolonged fasting or severe calorie restriction can result in anemia, low blood sugar and irregular heartbeat. It's important to remember that you have a built in body detox system. Your kidneys and liver filter out poisons and get rid of them in the urine and stools.

If you're concerned about your lack of energy, then consult a doctor before you begin a body detox to make sure that you don't have an illness that requires treatment. There are a variety of ways to cleanse your system of toxins such as a detox body wrap, liver cleansing, detox teas and a variety of other detoxification products.

Be sure that you fuel your body well and get plenty of sleep. It's the best way to give your body that energy boost.

Understanding Full Body Detox

If you feel that you've been living a healthy lifestyle but still feeling tired and lethargic most of the time, then perhaps it may be time to consider a full body detox. Cleansing and detoxification has become increasingly popular, and there are several different programs available. In this article, we'll talk about some of the most popular body cleanse programs and help you choose which one is best for you.

Detoxification is beneficial because harmful substances in our diet can build up in the body and cause fatigue, headaches, nausea and even disease. All these harmful substances or toxic waste are sabotaging our health. There are a countless number of detox diets available. The basic idea body detox is to temporarily give up certain foods that are thought to contain "toxins," such as meat, white flour, certain grains, sugar, dairy products and caffeine.

Of course, alcohol and non-medicinal narcotics are not allowed. These diets typically start with a short period of fasting and is then followed by a strict diet of raw vegetables, fruit, fruit juices and plenty of water. The best diet is one based on fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean sources of protein and unsaturated fats. Add regular exercise and stress reduction techniques into the equation, and you have a solid foundation for good health.

The full body detox offers a sense of healing and rejuvenation to our body. It gives our body a complete internal cleansing. We are conscious about cleaning our body externally but not internally.

Some regimens advise using herbal laxatives, as a natural bowel cleanse, to flush out the toxic waste. The duration of such regimens often ranges from 7 to 10 days. Most people report that they feel better and have more energy during and after detox body cleansing. This may be due to their belief that they are doing something good for their body. When you have a healthy mind, you will have a healthy body.

Before you undergo any full body detox program, consult a doctor to make sure that any symptoms you are experiencing isn't due to illness. There are a number of methods available such as detox body wrap, a juice diet, detox teas and a variety of other detoxification products. The most important thing to remember is to eat nutritious food so that your body has the fuel that it needs to perform well. Again, these programs aren't for everyone, so make sure that you have

If you're planning to go for a full body detox, make sure you have a good guidance from a good book or medical professional. With the right steps, this cleansing program can help your energy to soar and leave you feeling better than you have in years.

I suggest you read this book "Master Cleanse Secrets" to understand more about full body detox.

Rejuvenate Your Entire System With A Full Body Detox

In the modern world where even the air is contaminated with pollutants, all of us should realize the importance of detoxification, mainly a full body detox. Most of us are under the impression that we are living healthy lifestyles but we still seem to suffer from tiredness and lethargy. If you have similar problems, maybe it is time that you should consider going for a detox program. Such detox programs are extremely popular and there are many different variations available. Detoxification (i.e., detox) is important as it can help eliminate harmful substances from within the body. These harmful toxins if not removed, can lead to health issues like fatigue, nausea, and even serious diseases. There are numerous detox diets that can help you detoxify. The main trick behind a it is to adopt specific eating habits that exclude certain food items that contain harmful toxins; these special diets are rich in fresh fruits and vegetables. Certain food items like meat, certain grains, dairy products, caffeine, and white flour are temporarily removed from the diet. These diets usually start with a short period of fasting that is followed by a strict diet of fruits, vegetables, plenty of water and fruit juices. The best diet plan would be to base your diet on fresh vegetables and fruits, lean sources of protein, whole grains, and unsaturated fats. You can combine such diet plans with regular exercise, massage therapy, and proper relaxation for the best detox program. The full body detox provides physical and mental well-being; it also gives a sense of rejuvenation and healing. It effectively helps cleanse your body from the inside. Sometimes in certain programs, herbal laxatives are also used to flush out harmful toxins from the body. These programs last for about 7 to 10 days and after a full detox, people feel more refreshed and energized. There are several other methods available for detox like a juice diet, detox body wrap, detox teas, and a number of other detoxification products as well. There are also many ways by which you can aid your internal detoxification system to better detoxify your body. Here below are some ways that you can incorporate for a full body detox: A) Consume food items that are rich in selenium to help detoxify your body. B) Adding zinc to you regular diet can be extremely helpful as zinc protects the body form the harmful effects of toxins. C) Buying organic produce is a good option and it is wise to choose homeopathic medicine over over-the-counter commercial drugs. D) Drink plenty of water to help flush out all the harmful toxins from your body. If you are planning to go for a full body detox, ensure that you have good guidance. Following the right steps for a full body detox shall help you cleanse your body in a matter of days and you shall notice a boost in your energy. Detoxification can purify you both mentally and physically to help you get the best out of life. So get rid of the toxins that are weighing your down and start your full body detox program today!

Cleanse Your Entire System With a Full Body Detox

Do you know the reason you've been feeling down and depressed lately in spite of leading what you consider a healthy lifestyle? It could be that you're in need of a full body detoxification. Full body detox programs are one of the latest and most popular ways of cleansing your body and getting rid of those toxins from your system. Let's talk about detox programs here and see which one is best for you.

Why is a full body detoxification necessary?

a) Toxins are harmful substances which can enter through our diet and lead to physical unease including undue fatigue, nausea, headaches or sometimes even certain diseases.

b) Toxins damage your health. That's why you should beware of some food items which may cause their build up in the body, such as white flour, sugar, dairy products, and a few kinds of grain, meat and caffeine.

c) Alcohol and the intake of non-medicinal narcotics are major sources of toxins.

The basic idea of the full body detox regimen is to cleanse the body of all such toxins. They involve giving up on toxin producing foods for a short period of time. The full body detox procedure gives a sense of complete internal revitalization. It cleanses out the body from the inside rather than from the outside which we are generally more conscious of doing. There are a number of full body detox options available:

i) Detox body wrap
ii) Juice diets and detox teas

as well as other detoxification products.

Generally full body detox diets require you to undergo a brief period of fasting and then resume eating but on a stringent diet comprising only raw vegetables, fruits and juices and of course, plenty of water, that natural detoxificant! Choose from the best diets which will involve mainly fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, unsaturated fats and whole grain cereals. Remember to exercise as this will be beneficial for your body and aid in the full body detox procedure.

Make sure the food you get is nutritious so that your body is not unnecessarily deprived of the energy it needs to fulfill its functions. Reduce stress. Stress leads to an accumulation of toxins in the body. Sometimes, you may be advised to use an herbal laxative to flush the toxins from your system and detoxify your body. All the program options may not suit everybody, so be careful when picking the one best for you. All of this combined, will give you a good start into a healthier life.

The duration of most of these full body detox procedures extends from 7-10 days. Before you undergo a full body detox, consult your medical practitioner and check to see the symptoms that are leaving you down aren't due to any illness. Always consult a good book or your doctor before embarking on such a procedure.

Of all the people who undergo full body detox processes, the majority have reported saying they felt much better than they had before the program. They were conscious of doing something really good to their bodies and this also had a positive impact on their mindset. Use your chosen full body detox program to give you expel grimy toxins from your body and simply see the amazing difference it makes in your life!

Factors to Consider Before Body Detox

Do you want to cleanse or detoxify your body? If you are one of the many Americans who have heard that you may be carrying up to 20 pounds of accumulated waste and toxins in your body, you may be ready to take action. Before you start with a body detox program, it is important to find out if you are the right candidate.

Factors that can help you determine if you are ready for a body detox or cleanse include:

Your health. Are you healthy? Do you suffer from any medical conditions, such as thyroid condition or diabetes? If so, you should not start a body cleanse or detox without first consulting your doctor. There are many body detox programs available, including colon cleansing, liver flush, juice fasting, the Master Cleanse, detox diet and etc. and making the switch to all-natural, organic foods. After evaluating your health condition, there should be at least one detox approach that is right for you.

If you are female, it is important to make sure you are not pregnant. When water fasting, your body will be robbed of essential nutrients that are not only important for your body, but they are vital to unborn babies. Women who are pregnant or even breastfeeding should never try a water fast. Juice fasting and the Master Cleanse do provide you with some nutrients, but not enough. Speak to a healthcare professional. There are other body detox approach that you can take for example herbal colon cleansing, detox juice, detox diet consists of only organic food, and etc.

Your daily and weekly routine. If you opt for the Master Cleanse, you will see that 10-day is the recommended length of detoxification. Throughout those 10-days, you will experience a number of side effects and withdrawal symptoms. Although many are able to continue to work or go about their daily routine on the Master Cleanse, others find it difficult to do so. You may have to slightly modify your schedule or take a leave for it. Otherwise, opt for other body detox methods that are less radical such as herbal colon cleansing, coffee enema for liver detox, body wrap, foot pad etc.

Your weight. If you are overweight, a detox is recommended. As stated earlier, our bodies can store up to 20 pounds of toxins and waste! Those who are at normal weight would have some buildup, but it is significantly less. If you have tried different exercise plans, as well as healthy eating and still failed, it may be time for a body detox. Although a detox is not recommended simply just for weight loss, the end results can improve your health in the long run.

Your ability to stay focused and on task. If you opt for waster fasting, juice fasting, or the Master Cleanse, solid foods will be eliminated from your diet. Whether you cleanse for 3 days or for 13, you will experience severe hunger pains. These pains will be accompanied with discomfort, headaches, nausea and vomiting. Right away, you may wish to give-up. That is okay, but your ability to stay focused, on task, and avoid solid foods will result in success. If you do not believe you can go without food for 5 to 10 days, examine other options of detoxifying your body. Simple steps such as increasing water consumption, fiber intake, and exercising can improve your health too.

In conclusion, unless you have health complications, no harm can come from at least trying a body detox or cleanse. With that said, always listen to your body. Any pain and discomfort you experience should pass within one to two days. If not, stop your detox program immediately and seek medical attention.

Bay Area Body Wrap: The Key to a Slimmer You

Using body wraps has become one of the latest techniques for achieving a slimmer, curvier body and results are said to be achieved in as short as 60 minutes. Celebrity talk show hosts including Tyra Banks and Ellen Degeneres have purportedly tried this procedure and have seen and felt the results. So, are body wraps the solution to having a more slender and toned figure?   

First, let's establish what body wraps are and how they work. The body wrap is a method used to contour the body, shed off unsightly cellulite, and noticeably tighten the skin. As its name suggests, it involves wrapping the body in porous elastic bandages which have been earlier immersed in a special solution. For areas of the body where inches need to be lost, the wrap is applied firmly; for those where only skin tightening is necessary, only light wrapping is used.

Other body wraps do not use bandages but a body mask made of a combination of any of these ingredients: algae, seaweed, mud, clay, and lotion. In this case, the body wrap is used more as a detox treatment, ridding the body of toxins caused by daily stresses, chemicals, and pollution.   

At a Bay Area Body Wrap center, an individual who undergoes the body wrap may look up to 6 to 20 inches slimmer. Ad there's more to it. Skin smoothening and tightening is also a common effect of a body wrap. This is ideal for women who have just given birth, lost considerable weight, and those who want to reduce the signs of aging.   

Depending on the client's needs, there are actually a variety of Bay Area Body Wraps available. An initial body wrap may take up to two hours, but for succeeding wraps, a one hour and fifteen minute session may suffice, with a three to four day gap between wraps. For emergency cases however, like a bride having trouble fitting to her wedding dress, a succession of body wraps within a single day is still safe.  

A Body Wrap Bay Area is also guaranteed to be professionally done. Each body wrap procedure is not made without going through a thorough consultation with the wrap technician. Measurements are made, goals are set, and the client is given a realistic assessment of his or her case so that there will be no unrealistic expectations

Do Body Wraps Work?

There are many sorts of body wraps and you can have them as part of a spa treatment or even do them at home. The big question being do body wraps work? Well the short answer is yes and that is why they are getting more and more popular.

So how do body wraps work? This is what occurs when you enjoy a body wrap. Towels or bandages are steeped in a warm herbal solution and then wrapped around you. Then your body is covered with plastic film over the steeped towels in order to maintain the heat and tightness of the wraps.After this, you are enveloped in blankets for forty to sixty minutes so that you are nice and snug while the heat is kept in. Afterwards the wraps are removed. Then you could even get an extra treatment with an oil or cream massage.

Whilst you are enjoying this treatment, your body is busy soaking up the herbs through your skin. These hot wraps help open your pores and toxins are gently removed as well as excess fat from your cells. The effect on your skin is very beneficial. It's also good for helping with skin conditions. There are also reports that this process gives pain relief to people suffering from strains, joint pain and arthritis. How cool is that!

There are different kinds of wraps and all sorts of herb and mineral variations. You can, of course, perform your own research but the spa of your choice can also give you great advice as to which wrap would be the correct one for you.

Wraps are not new and have been around since the 1960s in North America and they are very much in demand in Europe and Asia. If you don't want to have the expense of a spa treatment, then you can purchase one as a home pack and do it yourself. It is more awkward, of course, to administer but it does work.

Do body wraps work? The answer is a definite yes and with the right one you will experience detoxification, better, tighter skin, reduce your cellulite and inch loss. They deeply moisturize your skin as well as removing dead skin cells.

Now it's up to you - it's worth it.

Herbal Body Wraps - Look Good and Detoxify Your Body in the Privacy of Your Home

If you smoke, drink, are prone to recreational drugs, drink coffee, or participate in any other recreational or hobby activities that lead to toxins in the body. These body wraps can be sold in boutiques and administered in spas, and they are a great way to lose weight and remove nasty toxins from the body that you never thought you would be able to flush out. Even salt and sugar can work against the fluid processes of the body and need detoxification. Everyday life can be a bit of a poison if you really think about it; even the air that you breathe can bring contaminants into your body that you want out.

You may not think that you care much about detoxifying your body. Salt and sugar are going to be present in the body anyway, right? That is the truth, but the difference is that you can do something about it. Salt and sugar can prevent you from losing weight the way that you want to by causing you to retain water, and body wraps can extract those nasties from your system and make things run more efficiently.

Toxins prevent the body from being able to work as efficiently as it normally would because valuable energy is spent processing and expelling salt, sugar, caffeine, or other toxins from the body. When your energy is being spent on processing these unnecessary elements in the body it cannot properly focus on metabolizing your food properly. This is one thing that people fail to realize, and one reason why weight loss can be so easily spurred with the use of detoxifying body wraps.

Where Can I Get a Good Body Wrap?

If you really want to get a good body wrap that will have some good results, you should check out one of the local day spas in your community. A good detoxifying body wrap in one of your local spas should cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $100 to $200 or more, depending on the spa that you are checking out. In most cases, any service at a day spa entitles you to a full day using their facilities and that is why the use of a day spa is so recommended over ordering them and using them at home. Not only will they be administered more correctly if you go to a spa, but ordering them costs around the same price and you don't get the rest of the relaxation benefits that the other spa services entail.

How Often is a Detoxifying Body Wrap Needed?

Depending on how many toxins you feel that you have in your body and your need to cleanse, detoxifying body wraps can be a one shot deal or something that you do on a regular basis. IT is very enjoyable and leads to better looks for many men and women, as efficiently processed toxins and better working bodily processes leads to clearer skin, brighter eyes, more brilliant smiles, healthier hair, and just overall better looks.

Some people are known to get as many as two to three detoxifying body wrap treatments in a day. Other people go as frequently as two to three times per week to get the detoxification they need, but a cleansing of lifestyle choices is also encouraged for those who attend cleansing body wraps that frequently. Body wraps are not a good substitute for a healthier lifestyle and better choices, and it is necessary to keep that in mind at all times.

Buy Detoxifying Body Wraps for Home Use

If you like the convenience of detoxifying body wraps but you are not able to make use of a spa wrap as often as you would like, it may help to coordinate spa style body wraps with home use detoxifying wraps. These are the kind that you have to administer on yourself and are good for people who are least somewhat familiar with how the detoxifying spa body wraps work. They can be done in the convenience of your home at those times when you need something a bit more refreshing than usual.

Detoxifying wraps are one of those things that not everybody will be able to get into, but many will. Those who are exploring holistic options for curing sickness and strengthening the immune system will love what these wraps bring to their health, and make people feel so much better and even thinner after just one use.

What is a Body Wrap?

Initially, a body wrap was an application of Ace bandages or saran wrap that was tightly wrapped around the body to enable rapid weight loss through vasodilation. Now, a body wrap is much more likely to be a treatment where you're slathered with a body mask made of seaweed and potent botanical ingredients, and depending on the treatment, possibly wrapped afterwards to keep warm. Soon thereafter, the product is rinsed off or removed, and the body wrap usually ends with application of a lotion or followed up with some a maintenance lubricant of some type. This treatment is sometimes also referred to as a body mask or body treatment.

Body Wrap Benefits

Body wraps that use algae and detox treatments help rid the body of toxins through metabolic stimulation. Body wraps using moisturizing rich lotions are hydrating treatments geared towards softening and healing the skin. Body wraps utilizing other ingredients are typically formulated to aide in weight loss.

Body wraps often begin with exfoliation through dry brushing or a salt scrub. You are typically clothed in whatever you will eventually be wrapped in – often plastic of some type, but sometimes towels or sheets. I think the most enjoyable method is when a massage therapist does the body wrap, because they naturally incorporate massage techniques as they apply the product. (An esthetician, on the other hand, is just simply rubbing product on the skin.) Once the product is applied to the skin, you're wrapped to stay warm for usually 15-60 minutes. Often, the therapist will leave the room, but sometimes they will stay and continue the massage, if possible.

When the time is up, you're unwrapped and the body wrap is removed. For this reason, the wraps often take place in wet rooms, equipped with a shower or wet table. Its possible that you may either jump in the shower or the therapist will rinse you off with a handheld shower or a special rinse that feels fantastic. After that, you will dry off, and there's usually an application of lotion of some sort to moisturize your skin.

Cautionary Items

- Don't expect a body wrap to simply be a massage. You can get both treatments – a body wrap and a massage -- or look for signature treatments that include scrub, body wrap, massage, etc...

- If you have extremely sensitive skin, check with your therapist or esthetician before starting any wrap for an extended period of time.

- If you are looking for a fat/weight loss body wrap, these are often not available at your standard spa or salon.

Wrap It Up! Get Back In Shape And Detox With The Body Wrap

The tendency in fashion is to have a smooth thin look, especially in evening wear. For many people that look is not easy to achieve. One woman bought a very fashionable form fitting dress to take along on a seven day cruise. The dress was a bit warm, but the journey had advertised several different exercise classes and multiple activities so she thought that by the last night of the journey the dress would fit comfortably.

She forgot that the journey also offered indefinite food. By the fourth day of the journey all of her clothes were proper a bit warm. She went to the spa to find out about the body cover treatment that she had seen advertised in a guide. The pamphlet had stated that you could lose multiple inches the same day that the body wrap was done. She new she had to do something in order to look nice in her new dress.

The spa employee explained that the body wrap procedure took about three hours. First the technician takes your body measurements. This is done so that you can see how many inches you have lost after the body wrap is removed. Next a thin coating of a mud like mixture is placed over your entire body and then the body cover is applied. The body wrap is thin layers of bandage like material that is pulled tight.

You then lay in the body wrap for about an hour covered in heated blankets to help sweat out poison and improve the texture of the skin. The body wrap does not allow for much movement during this time. After this the body wrap is removed and the mud combination is cleaned off. You are encouraged to refrain from showering for as long as possible to allow the ingredients in the mud mixture to continue to purify the skin.

The body wrap procedure has multiple benefits. Many people utilize it for quickly losing inches, but the body wrap also helps improve circulation and can help to improve pain in the joints and muscles. Because the body wrap is tight and used in conjunction with heat the muscles and joints feel better. There is also the benefit of losing inches over the entire body. People have reported a losing additional inches day after the body wraps procedure is completed.

The woman on the journey felt wonderful after the body wrap procedure and the texture of her skin had improved. Her husband thought she looked wonderful in the new form fitting dress. She did have to admit that the dress looked better after she purchased a body wrap undergarment from the clothing shop on the journey ship. By the use of both body wrap techniques she looked and felt her best.

The 411 on Body Wraps


By now, everyone has heard about body wraps. Dropping unwanted inches, feeling younger, and having firmer skin are just some of the things we might have heard in relation to this procedure. But what exactly are body wraps and how do they work (given that they really do work)?

When you have a body wrap done you are basically tightly wrapped in linen cloths which are soaked in herbs. Different types of wraps are meant to do different things. For instance, a wrap made out of algae, seaweed, mud or clay is meant to detoxify the body. A wrap made out of Shea butter or other rich lotions is meant to soften the skin. Most people undergo the procedure in order to detoxify their body, improve their circulation, relax, and drop a few unwanted inches.

A salt and clay wrap is one of the best choices. This particular wrap exfoliates dead skin and draws out tissue waste. This is known as the detox process. As a matter of fact, it is the detox process which causes the inches to drop from our body. The wrap helps to compact the soft body tissues and sculpt the body's contours. That is why we tend to lose inches after a body wrap, not weight. Usually one treatment, which last about an hour, will give at least 6 inch results. But how permanent are these results? That is a question which you have to ask prior to committing yourself to a body wrap. But what you can expect is a younger looking body, tighter skin, inches lost, and a healthier outlook on life. Weight loss associated with body wraps may be just a lot of hype, but there is nothing wrong with pampering our skin.

Want to Try a Home Body Wrap That Really Helps Cellulite?

Yes, women have cellulite, not just some of us, a whole lot of us have the ugly cells of so-called fat bubbling under the skin. Some people told us diets, others said to exercise, while Dr. Peter Pugliese said, it really didn't matter if we exercised or not, some of us are just predisposed to cellulite. So, you see, even skinny women have cellulite.

Now, today, we have a unique targeted body wrap that helps with cellulite and the "orange peel" appearance. How does this work? Well, there are several ingredients that target just the cellulite. One ingredient is a mouth full, "methylsilanol mannuronate". According to Milady's Skin Care & Cosmetic Dictionary "tests indicate that as a result of its cutaneous hydration activity, it increases skin suppleness and moisturization, and aids in the reduction of cellulite". Most of us have tried diets and exercise, with some success; body wraps are becoming more popular as a way to lose weight, detox the body, and get rid of those little fat pockets that never seem to go away. And today, you can apply and use the targeted body wrap in your own home; you don't even have to go to the spa! Body wraps were originally designed to wrap around the body causing the body to sweat and perspire. Some people thought this was fat disappearing, but this was actually water weight. With the home body wrap that we are reviewing, the ingredients are actually infused into the fabric, similar to hormone replacement patch. The cloth when applied to the body helps to push the ingredients into the skin.

Home body wrap kits such as the one we are reviewing are designed to be used at home and are fairly easy to use. This targeted body wrap can be applied as part of your treatment. Different wraps can contain many natural ingredients, but you want to look for seaweed or algae as the Detox ingredient for the body. If you are using a body wrap in your home, you should allow a total of about 1 to 4 hours for the body wrap procedure - about 10 minutes to apply and the rest of the time you can run errands, clean house, or just relax. The wrap will work in 1 hour, but it takes 4 hours to be 100% complete. You can take a shower before you wrap, but be sure you don't have any oils or lotions on as the wrap is most effective against the bare skin. You will not want to take a shower for about 4 hours after the wrap and you will want to drink half your body weight in water. This is not a dehydrating wrap, you will not perspire. The water is to flush out the toxins. To get the best results is up to each individual. Some will plan on 2 a week for 2 months, and maintenance after that...while others will continue their results. Cellulite body wraps have many advantages. It is a lot less expensive to wrap cellulite at home than to go to a spa. Body wrapping at a spa can cost from $75 to $150 depending on your area of the US. A typical body wrap kit for home is going to cost between $50 and $100 and contain enough wraps for 4 sessions. If you are applying to the thighs, you may split a wrap in half.

Aside from helping with weight loss and removing toxins from the skin, body wraps also improve the texture of the skin, firming, tightening and toning the skin. And one of the biggest advantages of targeted body wraps is their ability to successfully remove cellulite from the body. If you have tried everything to remove that cellulite without success -consider trying a home targeted body wrap to remove the cellulite and shrink the fat. Body wraps may not be for everyone, like pregnant women, and if you have medical conditions, like dialysis, you should consult your physician. Most people who use a body wrap will claim that it is a very effective way to get rid of cellulite and lose fat. Find out here where you can get the best targeted body wrap on the market today. Nancy Reagan is considered a spa expert and consultant. She is extremely knowledgeable in body treatments and the spa industry, and is a professional marketer and distributor of It Works! herbal body wraps worldwide.

Get to Know About Body Wrap Treatment for Weight Loss

Body Wrap Treatments: The head-to-toe health spa experience in the comfort of your own home Body Wrap Treatments are easy-to-use home detox kits, which have the same effect as health spa equivalents…and are just as satisfying!

The main purpose of slimming wraps is to flush out harmful toxins – such as caffeine, alcohol, nicotine and food additives – which easily build-up when living in today's polluted and stressful world. The human body has its own detoxification system – including the liver, kidneys, skin, lungs and lymphatic system - but when environmental and dietary toxins are abundant, our internal detox system fails to work to its full potential. As a result, the body is unable to cleanse itself and our immune system struggles to work properly. We start to feel run down and gradually become more susceptible to health problems. The Body Wrap Treatment is a completely natural detox aid that helps to eliminate this build-up of toxins and waste, and kick-start our body to work at its optimum level. The result? A healthier new you, inside and out.

What are the benefits of slimming wraps?
You'll gain numerous benefits from the slimming wraps, which will leave you feeling revived and revitalized inside out, from head to toe. The Body Wrap Treatment…

  • Removes harmful toxins

  • Restores optimum function of the body's vital organs

  • Restores the efficiency of the immune system

  • Cleanses of the digestive system

  • Eliminates of excess water

  • Reduces skin irritation and sensitivity

  • Improves blood circulation

  • Relaxes tense muscles

  • Relieves tired, aching joints

  • Kick-starts weight loss plan

  • Gives instant inch loss

  • Improves skin tone and elasticity

  • Helps soften and smooth the skin

  • Reduces the appearance of stretch marks and cellulite

What types of Body Wrap Treatments are available?
No matter your need, you'll find a Body Wrap Treatment to suit you. They are all completely natural, 100% safe and have no side-effects. Choose from:

  • The Shape Changers Body Wrap Treatment

  • The Clay Body Wrap Treatment

  • The Slimming Body Wrap Treatment

  • The Chocolate Body Wrap Treatment

  • The Rose Body Wrap Treatment

How do slimming wraps work?
Once the slimming wraps are applied to the body, the specially formulated ingredients encourage skin pores to open so that fluid toxins can be easily extracted. Once toxins are removed, the bandages gently squeeze and compress the empty skin tissue pockets, revealing a firmer, tighter body. It is important to note that the slimming wraps do not promise instant 'weight loss' but rather 'inch loss'. However, they will kick-start and complement your weight-loss programme. We recommend you drink plenty of water after your treatment and throughout your detox programme to maintain the benefits.

Are there any side-effects?

The Body Wrap Treatment is a completely natural therapy and 100% safe. All ingredients are gentle and soothing so there are no risks of side-effects.

Recommended Usage
Regular detoxification of the body is a paramount in today's world so we recommend you use the slimming wraps every few weeks, or as needed. Results are guaranteed but the period for which you maintain them will vary depending on your lifestyle. We recommend you drink plenty of water after your treatment and throughout your detox programme to maintain full benefits.

If you are pregnant, or suffer from any medical conditions such as heart problems, high blood pressure, diabetes or eczema we recommend you not use slimming wraps. If you suffer from the above or any other medical condition and have queries about the Body Wrap Treatments, then please ask your doctor, or alternatively you can complete an on-line consultation.

Seaweed Body Wraps: The Easy Way To Detox

Seaweed body wraps are just amazing. Simply lay back and relax while your body does all the work of detoxifying and soothing and tightening your skin at the same time. Weight loss is an added advantage and all this while you take it easy and enjoy the treatment. This is really something everyone can profit from.

This treatment is not complex. Fresh towels are immersed in a hot solution of seaweed and they are then wrapped around your body for up to an hour. All you need to do is just lie down and chill out while your body gets this magic therapy. The magic is in the seaweed which contains minerals, vitamins, trace elements, amino acids and sea salt. These seaweed body wraps normally consist of brown algae which either have kelp or bladderwrack. When the time is up, you need to shower off the excess solution. The seaweed has a moisturizing effect on your skin. To enhance this effect, your skin is now treated with creams and lotions.

Advantages of the Seaweed Body Wrap:

You skin is exfoliated, leaving it smooth and tightened.
Great for cellulite, stretch marks, wrinkes and sagging skin.
Your skin retains moisture better.
You will have a natural glow to your skin.
The wraps can soothe sore muscles.
They are good for arthritis and joint pain.
Also helps with people who have water retention.
Blood circulation is stimulated, increasing blood flow.
Metabolism is increased.
Fat and inches are lost.
Toxins are expelled from the body.

Your biggest body organ is your skin. This is why wraps are great to get rid of excess toxins as they target a large part of your skin. You can help this process by drinking lots of water after the wrap and during the next couple of days.

Make a point to enjoy these seaweed body wraps at least 4 times a month. They are readily available at spas or you can even purchase them to do you wraps yourself at home.

Lose Inches With Home Body Wraps

Is it possible to lose inches when you have home body wraps?They use different herbs but they normally have the same inch loss effect and you can do all this in the comfort and privacy of your own home in usually an hour or even less!

They have many advantages - they help you lose inches, detoxify, tighten your skin and even have a beneficial effect on your cellulite. They are a great addition if you are on a weight loss regime. They can also be used to efficiently ease sore muscles. Nowadays you don't need to go to a spa for this treatment but you can do it far more cheaply at home.

Home body wraps come in a package and you dissolve the herbal contents in hot water.Then you simply include the strips of cloth themselves to the hot solution. These wraps can be lengths of toweling strips or even long elastic bandages. Wring them out and put them around your body so they're a tight fit. This seems complicated at first but you'll soon get the hang of it. It's then advisable to put cling film plastic over them to keep the moisture and heat in and prevent soggy blankets when you lie down. Now you are trussed up, simply lie down on a towel and cover yourself with another towel and a blanket so you are cozy and warm.

idea is for you to relax and enjoy this experience for around 60 minutes.You can listen to relaxing music if you like. Afterward, simply remove everything and you're done.

Another advantage is that because wrapping is so popular, the solutions are being improved. The formulas themselves are easy to prepare and you can save lots of money doing them in the comfort of your own home as opposed to going to a spa and having a deluxe wrap that can cost over a hundred dollars a time. Home body wraps are definitely something to consider.

Body Wraps - Lose Inches

History of Body Wraps
Body wraps have been around for thousands of years, dating all the way back to the ancient Egyptians. Body wraps at that time were utilized in body sculpting practices and primarily worked to stimulate circulation. Over the past 3 decades, with the increase in science in the cosmetic industry, many people are curious if body wraps can really be used to rid the body of fat. Body wraps have become one of the hottest cosmetic tools in the world and are becoming increasingly popular in the salon and spa industries.

Different Types of Body Wraps
There are essentially two different types of body wraps on the market today. Both types employing a large emphasis on moisturizing and conditioning the skin. However, the primary function of the two types is widely different. The first type of body wrap, creates inch loss primarily through water elimination. These water elimination wraps are very useful for a big event, where a person would like to look their best for a short period of time, but the inch loss is strictly temporary. This technique is similar to that which could be obtained through excessive sweating during exercise or time spent in a sauna. The second type of body wrap creates inch loss by helping the lymphatic system to rid the body of stored toxins which were introduced to the body through poor dieting, the environment, and pollutants. These wraps stimulate a process called lymphatic drainage, where toxins and fatty acids from your cells are released into the capillaries and eliminated along with the body's waste. Drinking large quantities of water during this type of body wrap is common to help facilitate the detoxification and fat loss. Although the results of this type of wrap may not be immediately as drastic, the inch loss obtained from this type is often permanent.

The shape, size, and ingredients used in the body wraps can vary tremendously. Some helpful things to consider when shopping for a body wrap are:

List of Ingredients -- all natural is always best for skin sensitivity
Topical Inclusion -- always easier if the ointment comes pre-applied and not separate from the wrap
Application Technique -- convenient if you can apply within privacy of your own home

The basic understanding by many industry experts, is that fat loss can be facilitated through a body wrap regiment, however, the majority of wraps available today are simply diuretics that remove excess water weight. Many industry experts also agree that body wraps should be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise program to achieve true results. Simply using a body wrap will not keep the inches off, if diet and/or exercise regiments do not change.

Detox Using Body Wrap - The All-New Method To Detox The System!

Looking beautiful from the outside is not the only thing that is essential for feeling good. Almost everybody believes that beauty is only skin deep. Being pretty or beautiful is no guarantee that the person is actually good at heart.

Today, it has become natural for everybody to eat all kinds of food, smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, and take oral contraceptives and much more. You might not be fully aware of the bad effects of this kind of lifestyle, or perhaps you know but choose to ignore. Toxins enter the body in large amounts on drinking alcohol, eating food items with additives and preservatives etc. toxins are basically chemicals and the body has its own way of getting rid of this in the form of urine and stool. But if these toxins accumulate in the body, in the long run the body will not be able to get rid of these toxins on its own and this can be very harmful for the body. In such cases one has to help the body in the detoxification process. If the condition is let to persist, it can lead to problems like hormonal imbalances, insufficient metabolism, nutritional deficiencies etc. If you are experiencing symptoms like lethargy, occasional pains, dull skin and allergies, you require to detox as soon as possible because these are signs that a lot of toxin has already accumulated inside your body.

For people who want to detox, body wraps are being offered. Body wraps are formulated specially in order to remove toxins from the body. Body wraps are mostly made of sea clay that is known to act as a poultice. The clay helps in drawing out toxins and compressing the tissues of the skin to help regain skins elasticity. Your muscle base becomes smoother and firmer.

How does a body wrap function? Your body has been accumulating toxins for years and years now and they would have built up in and around the fat cells. Depending on your lifestyle, these toxins keep increasing and gaining. The detox body wrap functions by shaping your body by repositioning the fat cells in the body, which also helps in weight loss. If you wish to lose some weight in your buttocks, thighs or any other part of your body, a body wrap can give you almost instant results.

The body wrapmoves into the skin pores till it reaches the toxins. These toxins are eiher flushed out or come back through the wrap. You must ensure that the sea clay you are using is concentrated and if all goes well, in a few days you will be able to notice the inches that you have lost from your body. You might think that the body wrap can cause dehydration of the body but this is not so. You can drink a lot of water without the fear of gaining the lost weight. And you needn't wash off the solution of the wrap. Once youi are successful in getting rid of the toxins, there is no way they can return into the body. But if you continue yoru lifestyle, there is no stopping them from building up inside your body again.

There are a number of detox body wraps available and you can choose any. There are a number of brands for these body wraps too. A lot of these brands promise inch loss in 30 days while others give a full money back guarantee on their product. Anybody can use a detox body wrap. But emphysema phlebitis patients and pregnant women are best advised not to use the wrap.

In Need of a Good Detox-Body Wrap Detox

A wrap, huh? Oh, yes a wrap! This is one method of detoxing your body. A body detox wrap is none other then... wrapping your body to rid chemicals and toxins. Okay, with that said and without further delay, let's have a closer look.

Oh, for about $50 or so you can buy a body wrap detox kit. For the most part a body wrap detox removes the toxins from the fat that is found in your body and more so around your heart. This is known to be the most harmful to your body and is the most toxic. Not to mention, it can be linked to heart disease as well.

Did you know that the smell that you smell when you sweat is more than just dirt and 'sweat'? Actually, sweat isn't always smelly. It could be linked to toxins that are found in your body. Well this body wrap detox kit can eliminate that smell, thus removing the toxins from your body, through your skin.

There are other reasons why people use these body wrap detox kits and some of the reasons include:

* foot odor
* muscle pain
* skin cancer
* then you want to look for some skin conditions as well. They may include rashes, psoriasis, eczema, fungus, or even dry and cracking skin.
* rejuvenation
* better skin tone
* anti aging

There are many reasons why you want to do a body wrap detox. Ask yourself what your goal is in doing this. Could it be to lessen your muscle aches and pains? How about to lose all of that unwanted weight? Maybe you want to remove the cellulite and replenish your skin. With knowing the reason why you are doing the detox, it will enable you to know what type of ingredients that you will need for the body wrap detox.

You want to make sure that you have a pre wrap formula before you wrap to help open the pores and to get the most out of your body wrap detox experience. It is important to keep your body warm or this will not be of any effect at all.

What is contained in these body detox wraps is the capability to eliminate toxins through the skin with healing mud and seaweed clay. Make sure that you keep your body warm while wrapped. Make sure that you stay wrapped for at least 45 minutes to 2 hours.

Once you have kept this on for the correct amount of time, you will want to make sure that you use the correct post body wrap detox treatment. These are meant to close your pores in your skin and hydrate dry skin. Toxins will come through and you can also lose weight in this process as well.

You may want to check with your doctor or skin specialist before you start this detox. If you have skin ailments, such as psoriasis, fibromyalgia, or eczema it is especially wise to check into it first.

In Need of a Good Detox-body Wrap Detox

A wrap, huh? Oh, yes a wrap! This is one method of detoxing your body. A body detox wrap is none other then... wrapping your body to rid chemicals and toxins. Okay, with that said and without further delay, let's have a closer look.

Oh, for about $50 or so you can buy a body wrap detox kit. It helps to removes the toxins from the fat that is found in your body and more so around your heart. This is known to be the most harmful to your body and is the most toxic. Not to mention, it can be linked to heart disease as well.

Did you know that the smell that you smell when you sweat is more than just dirt and 'sweat'? Actually, sweat isn't always smelly. It could be linked to toxins that are found in your body. Well this kit can eliminate that smell, thus removing the toxins from your body, through your skin.

There are other reasons why people use these body wrap detox kits and some of the reasons include:

*foot odor
*muscle pain
*skin cancer
*then you want to look for some skin conditions as well. They may include rashes, psoriasis, eczema, fungus, or even dry and cracking skin.
*better skin tone
*anti aging

There are many reasons why you want to do a body wrap detox. Ask yourself what your goal is in doing this. Could it be to lessen your muscle aches and pains? How about to lose all of that unwanted weight? Maybe you want to remove the cellulite and replenish your skin. With knowing the reason why you are doing the detox, it will enable you to know what type of ingredients that you will need for the body wrap detox.

You want to make sure that you have a pre wrap formula before you wrap to help open the pores and to get the most out of your body wrap detox experience. It is important to keep your body warm or this will not be of any effect at all.

What is contained in these body detox wraps is the capability to eliminate toxins through the skin with healing mud and seaweed clay. Make sure that you keep your body warm while wrapped. Make sure that you stay wrapped for at least 45 minutes to 2 hours.

Once you have kept this on for the correct amount of time, you will want to make sure that you use the correct post body wrap detox treatment. These are meant to close your pores in your skin and hydrate dry skin. Toxins will come through and you can also lose weight in this process as well.

You may want to check with your doctor or skin specialist before you start this detox. If you have skin ailments, such as psoriasis, fibromyalgia, or eczema it is especially wise to check into it first.

Information About Shape Changers Detox Body Wrap

Dust yourself off with a detox!

Easy-to-use and 100% natural, the Shape Changers Detox Body Wrap is a must-have for summer beauty – inside and out! Simply apply the indulging wrap, sit back, relax …and let this clever little body wrap do the hard work for you. Not only will it draw out impurities such as caffeine and alcohol, but it wills also kick-start your diet, rejuvenate your body's own detox system and give you softer, smoother, firmer skin. Getting ready for summer has never been so easy!

What is Detox?
Detox is short for detoxification, which is the removal of potentially toxic substances from the body. The human body has its own detoxification system – including the liver, kidneys, skin, lungs and lymphatic system - but in today's stressful and polluted world, where environmental and dietary toxins are abundant, our internal detox system fails to work to its full potential. When this happens, the body is unable to cleanse itself. Our immune system fails to work properly, we start to feel run down and we become more susceptible to health problems.

What is the Shape Changers Detox Body Wrap?
The Detox Body Wrap is an easy-to-use home detox kit, which has the same effect as a health spa equivalent…and is just as satisfying! Simply wrap yourself in the sea clay bandages and relax.

How does the Shape Changers Detox Body Wrap work?
The Detox Body Wrap is made from specially formulated sea clay that acts as a giant poultice to gently draw out impurities. As the toxins are removed, soft tissue is compressed and compacted, and the skin regains its natural elasticity. The wrap is 100% natural so there are no side effects, although we recommend you drink plenty of water to help flush out any stubborn toxins and re-hydrate.

What are the benefits?
You'll gain numerous benefits from the Detox Body Wrap, which will leave you feeling revived and revitalized inside out, from head to toe. The Detox Body Wrap…

  • Removes harmful toxins

  • Restores optimum function of the body's vital organs

  • Restores the efficiency of the immune system

  • Cleanses of the digestive system

  • Eliminates of excess water

  • Reduces skin irritation and sensivity

  • Improves blood circulation

  • Kick-starts weight loss plan

  • Gives instant inch loss

  • Improves skin tone and elasticity

  • Helps soften and smooth the skin


Are there any side effects from using Shape Changers Detox Body Wrap?
No. The Detox Body Wrap is a 100% natural which works in tune with the body's natural detoxification and defence system. However, due to lifestyle, diet and environmental factors, toxins will build up again so it is recommended that you repeat the process every few months.